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Monday, March 30, 2009

Cite Indon????

Lansung tak de pengajaran.... lebih2 lagi BMBP..... Nama je PUTIH tapi hati HITAM cam Rika & Siska... Baik apa kalau pendendam..... Walau sejahat mana pun orang tu dia akan maafkan... Ni tidak... Nak balas dendam kat Rika dan Siska... Wat penat je tengok sampai beratus2 episod... Rupa2nya,, mimpi je... What the hack????

Yang Menaip,,,,

Saturday, March 28, 2009

to all BBJ...

Kepada semua ahli BBJ 24/04/2009 (Jumaat) akan datang ini... Kita akan lepak2 n makan2 kat MFC... Anda semua di jemput hadir... (Bayar Sendiri)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Niena@Ninin punya komen...

Pada pandangan aku, cerita indon nie terlalu streotype sgt. Kisahnye mesti pasal rebut harta dan ada watak yang baik yang macam baik sangat...

Misalnye citer Bawang Merah Bawang Putih , nampak jer Alya tu baik tapi tamak. Sanggup sampai bapaknye dah nak mati pun tak nak berkorban gak harta pada Siska. Lepas tu Alya tu bleh lak termengandung anak Ferdi walaupun dia tu putih.. (suci) nampak sangatlah kesoksucian dia tu.. Lepas tu lastnyer watak antgonisnye mati camtu jer. tak berbaloi tengok beratus-ratus episod. rasa cam nak bunuh jer pengarah yang wat citer tu.. Kurang-kurang bagilah dia rasa hidup yang terseksa banyak-banyak barulah ada pengajarannya.. biar dia hidup merana!!!

Aku ulang sekali lagi lepas citer BMBP tu.. memang banyak sangat ar citer-citer Indon yang lebih kurang sme jer.. Orang jahat nak rebut harta org lain... BAWSSAN...

Bebelan biase-biase jer oleh Naina_aafina

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Monthly Anniversary is coming soon..

Well, tetiba plak aku nak cakap pasal hari BBJ ni...
Sebenarnya, hari BBJ kali ni sme ngan hari jadi my daddy.. so geng bapak aku leh joint venture ak.. (hehehe guraw jer..)

Seterusnya aku nak ajak BBJ girls and sesape jelah yang sudi melawat blog ini supaya memberi komen kat tajuk ni... jeng-jeng-jeng...

Cerita-cerita Indon... bez sangat ker...

So silalah menyudikan diri memberi sedikit pandangan dan cadangan bagi meningkatkan kualiti dalam produktiviti.. (ape yang aku ngarut ni??)

bebelan biase-biase jer oleh fifa_matsuda

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kami kehilangan Wani... Sesiapa yang jumpa Wani akan di beri ganjaran sebanyak 100000 RUPIAH................. Hahahaha.......

Monday, March 16, 2009



FROM are_ku

Aii,,,, windu gak ek korang kat aku... Hak3.... Aku kat kelas baru tu ok2 jerk... Yang best nye tak payah belajo bio... Hak3..... Best2....

Friday, March 13, 2009



Sebelum nie kitorang 7 orang sekelas tapi sebab ada rombakkan, salah seorang ahli geng BBJ, Tipah terpaksa pindah ke kelas ke-2 ,4 Aman(B)... Bila berborak terasa jugak kehilangan dia tapi masa rehat kitorang masih boleh berjumpa..yeah! Tu jekut yang aku nak tulis..okey bye..

coretan BBJ oleh syaz(syazwi)

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Love Story.. (sowi terjiwang lak)

My Painful Jealousy (That Boy That I Hate That I Love)

That boy that I hate that I love
Sitting 57 centimeters far
just sit there and I'm sitting here
Thought that brain teleport would send the message
Thought that he gonna start the conversation
But in the end he left me and I'm hurt
It is jealousy and it is painful

That boy that I hate that I love
Standing 50 meters away from me
He saw me and I saw him
I turned away
My ego eyes didn't dare to look into his
Stop it! Why I'm such an ego?
Just do something, anything!!
Shouted my heart
But it's too late
A wave is raised, Unfortunately it is not from me
Another girl with a killer smile
And that's it
It is jealousy, and it is painful

That boy that I hate that I love
is 5 miles away from me
At his home under the starry sky
The same starry sky that I'm watching
Oh, how I wish he is watching this beautiful sky
Oh, how I wish he had the same feeling as what I felt now
And I realise how stupid I've been
These stars won't tell me what is he doing
These stars won't tell him what I felt
Then I know,
It is jealousy, and it's painful

That boy that I hate that I love
Is no where to be found
Although he is home 5 miles away,
or standing 50 meters away,
or sitting 57 centimeters far,
I don't care!
Because I know that I can't have you
The reason why I hate you is because I love you
But I don't know what to do
So I confess
That I will erase this feeling out of my heart
That I on't mad if you were meant for somebody else
Finally I feel great, relief but I still feel that
It is jealousy and it is painful..


assalamualaikum..ustaz kata kene bagi salam penuh..haha..wei gangz!!saksikan kemunculan aku ari ni..aku kat umah pipah ni..haha,cuaca pergh!!lebur la seh pembuluh darah aku!!panas giler wa cakap lu!!(jumaat-06/03)..haha..urm..dala tak tau nak cakap ape!!kay argh,nanti ade idea bernas aku add2 agi la kay..dada,BBJ forever!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


hye wazzup!!sowie gangz,pic aku terbesar lakz an..'ter'pemes la aku camni..haha!apo nak buek an..ok so,4 the reader ke,observer ker kew..just enjoy!!dada..


Well, tajuk post je u all dah tahu pasal apa..so enjoy berkenalan dgn kitorang


Nama: Syazwi Al-jabri (bukan nama dlm IC tapi betol), Aizee,

Birthday: 17 September 199x

Hobi: Blogging, berbasikal, berangan, nyayi dlm bilik air(tabiat buruk..hehehe)

Artist yg ku minat: Aamir Khan, Robbie Williams

Favourite: Spaghetti, muffin chocolate, chocolate chips cookies, modern classic, tudung belit Arab, black,

Cite2: Half cikgu, half fashion designer and another half nak bukak bakery


Nama: Nieyna

Birthday: 26 march 199x

Hobby: meng-collect gambar artis pujaan hatiku...(lubang hidungmu tetap menjadi pujaan hatiku) hey! CUT!!! , membaca novel jiwang (POYO!!!)

Artis yang ku minat: Adam, Nabil, Rain

Cite2: Lawyer


Nama: Pipah@Fifa_Matsuda

Birthday: 1 March 199x

Hobby: Comics, drawing comics cartoon, surfing the board (internet)

Favourite: Black, blue, Add math, Physic, Nasi Goreng Kampung Ayam, fruit Juice

Cite2: Bussines women, phsyeological expert (detective)


Nama: Shidah otai, Nurul, chubby

Birthday: 1 Jun 199x

Hobby: baca novel, mesej2

Favourite: Novel, frend, lagu2 nostalgia, blue and white, add math, chemistry, math, masi ayam, milo, cipta sajak

Cite2: dokter or guru


Nama: Tayip

Birthday: 11 Oktober 199x

Hobby: Kacau Nieyna, baca novel

Favourite:Purple, red, dengar lagu, air laici

Cite2: Chef terkemuka, buka bakery sendiri


Nama: Wanie

Birthday: 26 January 199x

Favourite: white, blue, pink, green, nasi ayam, char koew teow, mee bandung, milo ais, laici




Nama: nabila, bila,

Birthday: 22 April 199x

Favourite:meset2,umm and wat somethin yang human wat ahh!!

my words:love somebody b4 u lurve 2 study..terbalik kew??so,so what!!..huhu..lagi dua,hidup bior ade gangz kay!!BBJ forever!!hahaha..

Cite2:doktor tapi caner eak??aku tak bapew nak minat bio!!boring....!

mOOd:crazy,silly and bad..watch out!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hari ni aku gan nina first time bukak blog ni dua orang... Leh pulak kan kiteorang tersalah taip address blog ni... Ape punya ahli daaa..... Malu siot!!!!